Saturday, August 31, 2013

Back Pain Symptoms - First Look For The Underlying Cause Of The Problem

Back pain is a symptom of a body that's out of alignment. It's a symptom that weak and tight muscles somewhere in your body have allowed those bones to move out of alignment.

The pain is telling people to do something to get the bones in their lower back into better alignment.

What most people are not aware of is the principle that says, 'The cause of the pain is rarely at the site where it's painful.'

Their therapist probably hasn't heard of this principle either. You'll know this is the case if the therapist starts heating, rubbing, crunching or vibrating the spot where it hurts.

So if back pain is a symptom of a body that's out of alignment what is it that's caused the bones of the lower back to move out of alignment?

It's usually tight muscles attached you your pelvis - front, back and sides. If they're tight they'll pull the pelvis down and back and cause it to twist. If that's the case people won't be able to sit up straight with a nice hollow in their lumber spine.

When the pelvis moves out of alignment, the bones up above also move out of alignment. The natural 'S' shaped curve of the spine will have turned into a 'C' shape.

The usual cause of this happening is sitting down all day in the 'slump dog' position and not having a flexibility training program to loosen off the calf, hamstring and buttock muscles.

Flexibility is the first problem.

The second contributing factor is a lack of overall body strength. How can you expect the bones of your back to stay in alignment if the muscles supporting those bones are weak? Well you can't.

I recently had a bloke come to see me with lower back pain. He'd done the rounds and spent thousands of dollars on therapists who thought the cause of his problem was in his lower back. They didn't understand that his lower back pain symptoms were caused by weak and tight muscles attached to his pelvis.

No-none had checked to see which muscles were tight and no-one had checked to see how strong he was.

He could hardly do a situp. He could hardly do a pressup. He'd never done a Superman back arch or a squat. He didn't have a strength training program at the gym.

It beggars belief that no-one had made an effort to search for the underlying cause of his pain. Maybe it's too simple to ask people to see if they can sit up straight in a few simple yoga-type postures or watch to see if they can do the most popular strength exercises.

It just reinforces my belief that it's a waste of time going to see anyone who doesn't tell you the likely cause of your problem and/or doesn't give you a good suite of strength and flexibility exercises to restore poor function to good. Just treat any therapy as complementary health care. The primary health care for joint and muscle pain is the strength and flexibility exercises you do yourself.

In a nutshell the symptoms of back pain are weak and tight muscles somewhere in your body. Often it's tight and weak muscles right throughout your body.

In the meantime stay tuned highly tuned and embark on a regular and systematic strength and flexibility training program. Any therapy on top of that will speed up the rehab process.

Lower Left Side Back Pain - Causes And Treatment Options - Braces For Support

How is your lower back feeling lately?

1.) Low Back Pain

The health of your muscles and strength of bones tend to lessen with age. Lower left sided back discomfort can be a musculoskeletal ailment that you will need to deal with, or the problem may get worse. People may get lower left sided back discomfort due to some back injury for any number of reasons, such as a bulging disc. (Bulging discs reduce the intervertebral ability to provide cushion to the spine.) Lower left sided back pain may also arise due to strains on back musculature.

This article will be useful in getting information about causes of lower left sided back pain and necessary measures to help avoid getting back pain. It will also cover how to deal with your back pain if you are already suffering from this ailment.

2.) Causes of Low Back Pain

Lower left sided back pain may be caused due to:

A herniated or "slipped" disc. When you suffer from this problem, the disc may actually press on spinal nerves. This can cause numbness or pain in your lower back. Back discomfort or numbness due to herniation can project down to the left or right leg and reach the feet as well.

Muscle Strains: Lower left side back problems may arise when back muscles or tendons get strained by an accident or by trauma. Bad posture and improper body mechanics may also lead to overstretched ligaments which may cause lower back pain. (When you stretch or tear a ligament, this is considered to be a sprain.)

Obesity, smoking, stress, poor physical shape, bad posture are among the possible reasons of lower backache.

3.) Prevention

We can take several steps towards prevention from this common ailment. Although, exercise may not prove fruitful in existing back pain, it actually can help us prevent suffering from back pain as it helps maintain back muscle strength. Stronger back muscles can help save us from muscle strain. Low impact activities like walking, swimming, bicycling and some other exercise routines like back stretching, aerobic conditioning and lifting weights are useful as prevention measures.

4.) Treatment

Pain can be reduced by some home remedies including rest and ice. Although these treatments are conservative in nature, these methods have prove to be effective at times. Low profile back braces are also advised by many physicians. These back braces can provide support and help to reduce pain. The support that they provide can also help to facilitate the healing process of an injury as they restrict poor lumbar movements. Lastly, surgery is a helpful option, but it is to be considered as a last resort in most cases after conservative options have been exhausted.

5.) Back Brace Types

To help you understand what is available, it is first a good idea to note that back supports can be custom made or prefabricated. - Common prefabricated items include: corsets, Aspen LSOs, Aspen quick draws and warm and form braces. These braces can help to provide support and can be very helpful, but they are usually not considered to be more supportive than a custom LSO or custom TLSO. You may not always need a custom brace depending on your injury level. Moreover, some custom TLSOs (sometimes referred to as "body jackets", or "clam shells") can also include neck extensions to help control cervical spine motion.

* This article is meant to be helpful, but it is best to consult your local orthotist about what type of brace that you need. Moreover, it is best to consult your physician about proper activity levels with respect to your back pain and/or injury level.

Lower Back Pain Remedies - Chinese Style

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with its 2500 year old history, offers many lower back pain remedies - lower back stretches and strengthening exercises, massage techniques, acupuncture, herbal remedies, liniments, sticking plasters and others. Some require a trained TCM practitioner to administer them, while others can be easily learned andapplied by anyone. This article introduces some effective low back pain remedies and stretches that you can apply yourself to relieve and prevent low back pain.

Lower Back Stretches

Breath slowly, smoothly and deeply through your nose while doing the exercises.

Exercise 1. Lie on your back on a firm bed or the floor. Gently bring your knees up until they're above your abdominal area. Spread your knees a little and grab the inside of your shins just below your knees, or the inside of your ankles if you can. Inhale. As you exhale let your knees naturally fall further out to the side with gravity. Focus your mind on your back (closing your eyes helps). Feel your inner thighs stretching and your back relaxing. Hold the position for a few minutes as you continue to breath slowly, smoothly and deeply. This exercise stretches and relaxes your iliopsoas muscle which connects from your lumbar vertebrae to the inside of your hip joints. Tension in this muscle often causes and/or aggravates low back pain.

Exercise 2. Lean across a table and grab the far edge with both hands. Your torso should be on the table and your legs hanging from the edge. Inhale. As you exhale, let gravity naturally pull your legs down towards the floor. Feel your back stretching. Hold the position for several minutes as you continue slow, deep breathing. Focus your mind on your back (closing your eyes helps) and imagine the pain releasing with each exhalation. Repeat several times a day.

Low Back Pain Remedies

1. Ginger & Sesame Oil Liniment

Mix together equal parts of pure sesame oil and the juice from grated ginger. Heat in a pot till warm. Apply a small amount to the painful area and rub it in for a couple of minutes. It should be applied to unbroken skin only. Ginger and sesame oil liniment is a superb, easy-to-make, home remedy for back ache and other aches and pains. It warms, circulates your blood and stops pain. You can safely apply it several times a day, particularly after showering and before bed. Make sure you pull your clothing down over your back immediately after to keep the area warm. Also, while it's normal for your skin to become hot and turn red after you apply the liniment, if a rash develops discontinue use.

2. Low Back Self-Massage

Can be done standing or sitting. With fists clenched (not too tightly), use the backs of your hands, including your knuckles, to vigorously rub your lower back up and down for several minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. Rub close to your spine and also the sides of your back - where ever you experience pain and stiffness. Self-massage is a highly beneficial low back pain remedy you can do anytime, anywhere to relieve and prevent low back pain. Massage warms the area, moves the blood and directly stimulates your kidneys, which helps to maintain a strong, healthy lower back.

Tip: To greatly enhance the effects of the above lower back pain remedies and lower back stretches, combine them. For example, lie down and do the first 2 stretches, then stand up and do the lower back self-massage, then apply some Ginger & Sesame Oil Liniment. You know your body best though, so experiment till you find what works best for your particular situation. For more lower back pain remedies and lower back stretches visit the authors website.

Lower Back Pain Relief - Are Shoes Important?

Proper footwear is a very important consideration when it comes to back pain relief. Not wearing the proper footwear can be a major contributing factor to ongoing lower back pain. If the correct footwear is being worn, it can help decrease pain by properly aligning the foot when it hits the ground and during takeoff. If the foot is aligned correctly when it hits the ground, the forces and weight are evenly distributed throughout the foot, ankle, knee and hip.

When the foot maintains the proper position, it enables the lower leg to perform its duties with increased efficiency. If the foot is not in the correct position, the joints above that area have to compensate for the decreased stability and poor positioning of the foot.

The following are a few descriptions of the most common walking positions and placement scenarios.

Supination - If a person tends to wear out the outside heal of their shoe, they walk in a manner that is referred to as supination. Supination forces the weight to be unevenly distributed along the arch of the foot and it can be a major cause of lower back pain. This is the most common type walking habit that leads to lower back pain.

When a person supinates their foot during the landing phase of walking, their weight is kept on the outside of the foot. This prohibits the weight to be naturally transferred through the longitudinal arch.

Without the use of the arch, the ability of the foot to spring to the next step is decreased and the joints above have to increase force to move the leg forward. While in this position the leg is now forced to swing forward with a circular motion versus a push off motion with the arch and big toes.

This "swing forward" motion causes the back to upwardly elevate the hips in order to clear the toes. In addition, repeated swinging of the leg causes the gluts to tighten and creates additional tension on the lower back. When this happens it causes the spinal system to be less efficient and more vulnerable to muscle imbalance and pain.

Pronation - another common walking style is called pronation. If a person tends to pronate, the inside part of their heel is worn out. This result is walking "knock-kneed". In addition, pronation causes a lack of stability in the knee area and makes a person shorten their stride and have less balance.

When the knees become too painful because of the poor landing position of the foot, the person will stop pushing their foot through the walk cycle and begin to swing the leg like in the last example.

This usually causes more knee and hip problems first, followed by lower back pain. The end result is increased lower back pain.

These problems can easily be adjusted by choosing the proper foot wear. Changing your shoes upon the sign of a wear pattern and working on good walking mechanics can make a real difference. Once you know how your foot tends to land, you can purchase shoes to help reduce your bad habits.

In another article, we will discuss additional important factors to consider while walking. Maintenance and strength of muscles involved in walking, flexibility and how to prevent compensatory patterns which in turn reduce lower back pain.

Lower Right Back Pain - The Facts

Back pain is a very common condition, one which sufferers often visit their doctors to seek treatment for. The patient is looking for solutions or at minimum information pertaining to the problems that they are experiencing. The doctor may not be able to provide the information.

Lower Right Back Pain Information

The back is made up of the spine and vertebra the spinal column and nerves, ligaments, tendons muscles and this structure makes the back an incredibly flexible and mobile body area, but small changes in any of these components of the back can cause the back to become unbalanced, causing pain.
The following problems can occur which would cause such imbalances:

  • Strained muscles

  • Torn ligaments

  • Joint stiffness

  • Joint damage/ Injury

  • Disc issues

  • Nerve compression/Irritation

  • Fractured bone

It is very common to experience stiffness, aching or pain in the lower back, lower right or lower left back. The reason is that the issues are common is because the lower back is susceptible since it is used when lifting, can be put out of balance through back posture as the upper body must be supported. This fact also leads to a higher likelihood of age related wear and tear being present, as we get older.

As mentioned previously, the lower right back pain can be caused by poor lifting technique, bad posture, or sporting injuries, and since the lower right and lower left back are made up of many muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and bones, these improper movements can cause injury or inflammation in one or more of these structures, leading to lower right back pain.

There are three types of muscles that broadly speaking act on the spine, and those are flexor, extensor and oblique muscles. The flexor muscles help you bend forward, or flex the spine, which would occur whilst lifting objects for example. The right flexor muscle may cause lower right back pain, the left flexor can also cause low right back pain due to imbalanced that might be cause by the left flexor.

The extensor muscles, which exist in the gluteal and lower back muscles and allow you to sit up straight, extending the spine may also become fatigued, or strained causing soreness. The lower right or lower left extensors may become inflamed or injured and cause back pain.

The oblique muscles, which attach to the sides of the spine, allow rotation of the spine allowing you to turn. Injury or straining of these muscles can cause a large number of problems due to imbalances that will likely occur.

In addition to simple muscle strain, injury to ligaments, joints, and bones can also cause muscle pain. If one of these structures is injured or inflamed, back muscles can go into spasm, drastically limiting your movement and cause pain in the lower right back.

Stress is a common cause of pain in the lower right back. Stress will make your back muscles tighten. This happens to every muscle in the body, as we move into a "fight or flight" response. Muscles that are tightened lack the energy they need to support the spine. If the stress is frequent, and measures are not taken immediately to relieve it, lower right back pain can easily develop.

Severe Lower Right Back Pain

Lower right back pain that lasts more than two week is duration or if the pain is intense and does not ease for a week, or you experience numbness or tingling, then immediate medical advice should be sought. It may mean that rest is required, or medication to take down inflammation or a battery of tests needs to be done to find out the cause. Whilst rest may be recommended, it is still a good idea to do a small amount of exercise, 30 minutes a day if possible, to prevent the muscles from weakening, or the joints from seizing up.

If the muscles weaken, they will not protect or support the back as completely, and so may result in further unnecessary injury. The rest / severe back pain event cycle will continue, with the situation becoming worse every time, unless care is taken to prevent the cycle from continuing.

Symptoms of Lower Right Back Pain

To be able to fully and quickly treat back pain, you need to be aware of the causes of lower right back pain, and the symptoms that may be experienced. This can involve understanding what location the pain is felt in, the type of pain, and the severity of that pain. Does the pain move around, or is it concentrated in one area?

  1. Numbness in buttocks or extending down leg - You may have a herniated disc - see a doctor immediately. This may also be sciatica caused by a trapped nerve, in which case you may want to consider consulting a chiropractor.

  2. Pain from twisting, or bending? - You may have pulled a muscle, or you may have a herniated disc - see you doctor.

  3. Blood in the urine - You may have a kidney issue. See a doctor immediately.

Lower Right Back Pain Treatments

The pain can be helped by having stronger more mobile muscles in the back, as they will be better able to support the spine, and prevent further issues.
If the spine is stiff, and not in the neutral position, it is worthwhile visiting a chiropractor to get your spine reset toward the neutral position. This course of treatment will not happen immediately, but really does work.

Gentle exercise initially, to build up the strength in the back should be performed, and nothing that causes intense pain. You're doing it wrong, or have another issue if that happens, in which case visit your doctor. Any exercise should also be accompanies by gentle stretching both before and after exercise.

Back Pain: Cancer, Stones and Tumors

Although not as common, prostate cancer, kidney disorders (stones) and spinal tumors represent a small percentage of back pain. Since low back pain is a common condition, many people ignore it and do not realize that there may be a more serious underlying problem that is causing the pain. All three should be considered as a differential diagnosis in order to treat it properly and effectively. Luckily, the majority of back pain is benign and self limiting.

The good news is that most low back pain is due to mechanical causes (muscles, joints) that can be treated and resolved within weeks to months.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, excluding skin cancer. After lung cancer it is the leading cause of cancer death in Canada. One in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and about one third of them will die from it. Men over the age of 50 have an increased risk. The cause of prostate cancer is both hereditary and environmental. Diets low in selenium, high in red meat fat, and/or smoke, increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Although there are no symptoms of early prostate cancer, symptoms such as chronic low back pain (months), difficulty with urination (starting and stopping), a poor stream during urination, a burning sensation while urinating or excessive urination at night should not be ignored.

These symptoms are not specific to prostate cancer, but can also indicate other urinary problems. Early detection is very important in order to treat it successfully. Yearly physical examinations are necessary for all men over the age of 50. Along with the examination of the prostate, be sure that your physician also orders blood tests, to measure the levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA). PSA is a substance that is produced in the prostate. Once the prostate is enlarged, there are higher levels of PSA found in your blood. An increased level of PSA in your blood, is one of the earliest signs of prostate cancer.

If prostate cancer is detected early, it can be treated. Surgery and/or radiation therapy are the primary methods of care. A proper diet is critical in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Vitamin D and E supplements along with a reduction in overall dietary fat will decrease the risk of prostatic cancer.

Another rare source of back pain comes from the kidney. There are many conditions that can affect the kidney, which can refer pain to the low back. Any type of inflammation/infection in the kidney or an obstruction in the ureter can cause low back pain. Since kidney stones are probably one of the most prevalent kidney conditions, special attention should be directed to it.

The kidneys are the body's filtering system. The blood in your body passes through them and any unwanted substances are excreted in the urine. Unfortunately, if there is a build-up of certain chemicals or minerals, kidney stones are formed. There are many factors that play a role in the formation of these stones. Age, sex, a family history of kidney stones, the amount of water consumed, climate, and dietary factors are just a few things that contribute to their formation. Calcium oxalate (most common), calcium phosphate and uric acid are three different types of kidney stones.

The pain that is caused by kidney stones is due to an obstruction of the ureter, the organ which connects the kidney to the bladder. The bladder stores the urine until it's time to get rid of it. Kidney stones are not always smooth and round; they can have jagged edges. As these kidney stones pass through the ureter they scrape the inside of it, causing severe pain. Symptoms include blood in urine, a burning sensation while urinating, difficulty urinating, nausea/vomiting and/or excruciating back, abdominal or groin pain.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may have kidney stones and it's important to visit your doctor immediately.

Drinking a lot of water and keeping well hydrated is one of the best ways to decrease your risk of having kidney stones. The stones are usually small enough that you will pass them in due time. If the stones are too large to pass, shock wave lithotripsy and various types of surgical procedures are done.

Spinal tumors are probably the rarest of the three conditions that we are discussing. These tumors are uncommon but still represent a small percentage of causes of low back pain.

Spinal tumours can either be benign or malignant. Benign tumors of the spine grow slowly and are less aggressive. These tumors can become a problem when they get too large and compress or impinge the spinal cord or peripheral nerves. There are several benign tumors that originate in the spine, including hemangiomas, osteoblastomas and osteochondromas. Depending on the type of tumor and its characteristics it may be left alone or removed. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may also be used

Friday, August 30, 2013

Lower Back Pain Remedies - Simple Yet Effective Ways To Treat Lower Back Pain

There is still a lot of debate around acute lower back pain remedies. Within 30 days of pain starting point, 90% of cases of acute pain in the low back either improved or became absolutely solved without any pain treatment which was established in some scientific studies. Doctors seldom request exams for spinal health or low back issues within the 30 day period.

Of course, chronic lower back pain relief is another subject- treatment may incorporate nerve repair, spinal surgery, or decompression therapy. When it concerns this condition, seldom is there a single treatment. Simple prescription drugs, without the necessity for a prescription, are offered which a doctor will suggest to folks who are suffering from acute pain that disrupts their daily lives. For back pain relief, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs or NSAIDs are the medicines of choice. Some good examples of NSAIDs are ibuprofen, naproxen and ketoprofen.

Depending on what works ideally with a patient, a doctor may change medications or alter the doses to establish the best treatment. It is crucial to note that long term application of NSAIDs may cause liver and kidney damage and gastric irritation, so these medications must only be employed when certainly required. These medications should not be used as a daily remedy to pain.

Every bit as efficient as NSAIDs as a lower back pain cure for slight flare-ups is acetaminophen (Tylenol). Occasionally, muscle relaxants have been provided to take care of the pain. However, unless the cause of the pain has been shown to be muscle spasms, muscle relaxants generally have little to no effect on this case. One of the newest trends of NSAIDs is the COX-2 inhibitors like celecoxib or Celebrex. Though quite effective, prolonged application may amplify the risks of heart attacks and strokes.

Other medicines being given for lower back pain are steroids and opioid analgesics. However, suggested only for short-term use, a physician needs to monitor the intake and dose of these drugs. Opioids have the additional chance of drug reliance. Though epidural steroid injections have formulated different outcomes in different studies, it is being employed to treat patients who have responded well to this drug in pain elimination.

For those patients who suffer from intolerable acute lower back pain, Transcutaneous Electric Manipulation (TENS) has been shown to be effective. The machine transmits electrical pulses through the electrodes that are connected to the skin of the lower back to energize the muscles.

For many patients who don't like taking medications, simple treatments such as heating pads or application of topical rubs such as Ben-Gay have proven to be effective for relieving lower back pain.

Having too much bed rest is not an excellent idea since it may cause a longer period of healing. Patients suffering from acute pain need to become proactive after 2-days of bed rest to protect against reduced muscle tone, development of leg blood clots, and depressive disorders. Though workouts and some exercises haven't been verified to be effective lower back pain remedies, particular workout routines such as stretching can help reduce the occurrences of pain by conditioning the low back muscles.

Lower Back Pain When Waking Up

There are many people that experience lower back pain when waking up, and often this is just a short term problem that stems from the way that the person has slept or even the quality of the mattress that they are using to sleep on. If your back only hurts when you wake up rather than all the time then the cause is obviously going to be something that you are doing when you go to bed, such as the position that you are lying in or the mattress or bed you are sleeping on.

If the problem with your lower back is not something that occurs only in the morning, and it is pretty constant through the day, then there may be an underlying cause that needs to be checked out. Therefore, any pain in the lower back that continues and does not subside should be checked out by a doctor or healthcare professional so that any underlying cause can be pinpointed and dealt with. However, if the pain only occurs in the morning and then subsides until the next morning then the causes are likely to be very simple and pretty easily dealt with.

Causes and solutions of lower back pain upon waking

There are only a couple of potential causes that you need to consider if you are experiencing lower back pain when waking up. These are generally causes that are external rather than being internal causes, and therefore can be rectified quickly and easily.

One of the causes of this type of pain when you wake up is the way in which you sleep in terms of your position. People lie in different ways when they sleep, and spending all night in one somewhat awkward position can easily result in pain being experienced upon waking. People that lie on their side when sleeping often experience morning pains in regions of their back, and this is because the way in which they lie can cause their lower back and pelvic region to twist. Often this is because the top leg is moved in front of the bottom leg, and then drops down because there is nothing to support it. Putting a pillow in front of the bottom leg can provide something to support your top leg when you move it forward.

Another problem that may be causing your aches is your mattress. If you have an old mattress that is worn or a low quality mattress this can cause real aches and pains even if it does not feel particularly uncomfortable to you. Experts recommend turning your mattress regularly to maintain the quality for longer. If your mattress is already worn then you need to look at buying a new mattress to ease the back problems - a memory foam mattress is a good option, as it conforms to your shape and moulds to your body, thus providing increased support.

Stretch your lower back to ease the discomfort

Whilst the causes of discomfort and pain in the lower back in the morning can be simple the problem can still be annoying for sufferers. Stretching your muscles and your lower back region can help to ease this discomfort and pain, and just performing some simple stretching exercises can help to improve your flexibility and movement as well as easing the pain and tightness of your muscles. This sort of pain can cause a lot of discomfort for some people, and stretching in the morning when you get out of bed is a good way of alleviating lower back pain when waking up.

Low Back Pain Treatment With Lower Back Pain Exercises

Lower Back Pain Exercises is one of the effective ways for low back pain treatment.  In fact, exercises for backache can be carried out as part of herniated disc treatment, bulging disc treatment or even pinched nerve back (or sciatica).

When a back attack strikes, the person will feel immobilized. It is important to rest on bed for one to two days depending on how bad the back trouble is. NO lower back pain exercises is advised. The purpose of this rest is to reduce the inflammation of the back. During this stage, Acupressure techniques can be applied to reduce the inflammation as well as the pain. I actually covered the acupressure techniques for lumbar back pain in a report. It can give you almost instant relief for back pain.

However, once you have overcome this period of acute attack, you should start to work on to strengthen your back muscles that surround the back. These back muscles are to be stretched so that they can hold your back. This can be carried out through proper lower back pain exercises.

I would like to share with you 2 simple lower back pain exercises that are effective yet simple for herniated disc treatment, bulging disc treatment or even pinched nerve back (or sciatica ).

Lower Back Stretch

Steps are as follows

1. Lie face down and relax your lower back

2. Place you arm beside the body. Turn head to one side and take a few deep breaths.

3. Next, place elbow underneath the shoulders. You can lean on your forearms with your back arched and head up. Hold for about 15 seconds.

4. The last step is to straighten your arm and lock your elbow and raise the upper part (ie above waist) of your body. Hold in the raised position for 15 seconds and bring down the body

5. Repeat this for 15 repetitions.

Lower Back Side Stretch

Steps are as follows

1. Lie down in a supine (face up, back on the floor) position, knees bent to about 90 degrees with feet on the floor

2. By turning your waist, twist your legs together to your left until your left knee is almost touching the floor, hold in position for 5s before twisting back to original resting position.

3. Repeat the action for the right side.

4. Do 5 repetitions for both sides.

While there are other lower back pain exercises that are also useful, the above 2 are the mandatory ones a painful back sufferer cannot do without. With additional knowledge of good postures and habits, one could prevent further episodes of backache recurrence.

Lower Back Pain Treatment - Remedies in Curing Lower Back Pain

A lot of people especially the elders are having a lower back ache. This is due to some disorders or just a strain in certain parts in the lower extremities. This may be due to lifestyles and pressure during working hours.

This is no surprise to everyone because the lower back parts in our body are quite vulnerable to extreme conditions. The lower back is acting as a fulcrum to balance our weight and position. There are Lower Back Pain Treatment remedies to lessen or take away back ache.

Here are some proven remedies my friend. Read on.

Proper position - This is quite effective to cure back hurt. Whether you are resting or just standing. If you are in a resting position, you can lie on your back with a pillow resting under your knees. You can also lie on your sides with a pillow in between your knees.

Heating pads or ice packs - Heating pads and ice packs can also be effective in treating back hurt. Place heating pads alternately on your lower back or you can use only the heating pads or just the ice pack.

Mentholated creams or capsaicin creams - Mentholated and capsaicin creams can be purchased over the counter. These creams can have a heating effect that can be felt and it can relieve back pain. Make sure that it is hypo allergenic and it does not burn your skin.

Acupuncture - Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese way to treat different kinds of disorders and pain in the body, this includes lower back ache. A sterilized needle is gently inserted or pricked on a particular point in the skin. This technique can be an effective treatment if properly done.

Proper diet - Proper diet is very vital to cure back ache. Eat the right kind of food with vitamins and minerals to support the health of your bones and muscles at the back and your whole body. Avoid eating junk foods or trash foods because it may contain harmful chemicals.

Pain reliever medicines - There are pain reliever medicines that can also be bought over the counter. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen tablets or capsules are the most common medicine in providing lower back ache treatment.

Massage therapy - Massage therapy is a relaxing method to treat back ache. A professional massage therapist can be hired or you can get the services of your loved ones to massage you on the back.

Chiropractic therapy - This kind of therapy focuses on your spinal structure and it fixes your joint mobility. A controlled force is applied to your spine and bones and in the process; it may heal your aching back. Make sure to get the services of a professional chiropractor so that there will be no complications attained.

Yoga exercise - Yoga exercise is a meditating technique to relieve back pain. Many people who suffer from lower back pain acquire this technique because it takes away stress and pain in the whole body including your back.

These are just some of the remedies for lower back pain treatment. It is best to consult your doctor to provide necessary treatments pain is already persistent.

Causes Of A Stabbing Lower Back Pain

A stabbing lower back pain may be induced by quite a list of things and this is why an appropriate diagnosis from a certified practitioner is essential prior to beginning some form of treatment.

Causes like ulcers, kidney stones, a pinched nerve or injury to the back may all lead to a stabbing lower back pain. You need to realize that the back is linked to your central nervous system and anything that takes place in that general area will be picked up and on the odd occasion, manifest itself as a stabbing lower back pain. The lesson of the story is that whenever you experience back pain, it doesn't mean that it is 100% related to your back. It could be just a prior condition just disguised as a lower back pain.

How To Fix A Stabbing Lower Back Pain

Everyone that suffers from back problems usually finds it hard to give a proper explanation to the doctor when asked certain questions. Start by keeping track of the pain. Keep a diary handy and whenever that pain raises its ugly head, take down a few notes on items such as the time of day that you usually feel the pain, the length of time that it lasts, did you feel the pain after a meal?, does the pain show itself when you do certain movements, if you were performing a physical task, what was it? Write down as many things that you think will help.

You will be very surprised what your little note book can reveal during your diagnosis and offer a better insight as to what the cause may be.

After tracking the symptoms for a few days, you can then pay a visit to your local physician and together decide which course of action to take.

Ulcers are generally the cause for this type of back trouble. There are numerous distinct types of ulcers. Peptic ulcers are normally the ulcers of choice for this type of back pain. This type of pain will likely happen straight after eating and be in the upper back.

Strained muscles and pinched nerves are rated very high when looking for the cause of lower back pain. However other conditions like gallstones, kidney stones and other types of blockages can also all trigger the pain. You should prepare yourself to undergo lots of tests starting generally with an x ray. The key is not to get frustrated, as the possible cause is generally hard to locate.

If you are prone to any of the conditions listed above, a quick visit to your doctor should be able to reveal the root of the problem. However, if this is not the case, your doctor should, by using an elimination process, be able to let you know what is not causing the stabbing lower back pain. Once the source is located, you should be able to start an appropriate treatment. It is also wise to ask you doctor whether he or she could recommend an alternate treatment program.

Lower Back Pain - Associated With Fast Bowling in Cricket

An Overview of Lower Back Pain in Fast Bowlers in Cricket

Cricket is one of the oldest sports known to mankind. With the advent of one day cricket in the mid 1970s and twenty 20 cricket in the early 2000s, its popularity has soared immensely. However, due to the staggering number of international matches being played now-a-days, there is a need to focus on prevention and management of injuries to players.

Epidemiology of lower back pain in cricket

Previous research has reported that lower back injuries occur in up to 60% of cricketers. The reasons attributed have been inadequate pre-season physical and psychological preparation, rapid escalation in training frequency, improper biomechanical aspects of fast bowling, duration of bowling spells and the overall work load in the season.

A longitudinal study carried out in South Africa found that bowling (41%) accounted for most of the injuries in cricket. Lower back pain and injuries in fast bowlers Fast bowlers are at particular risk of lower back pain and injuries compared to spin bowlers, batsmen and wicket keepers. Concomitant hyperextension of lumbar spine and rotation of the thoracic spine in fast bowling places a significant amount of stress on the lumbar spine. This causes injuries to the bones, joints, ligaments and muscles in and around the lumbar spine with resultant back pain. Pain is gradual in onset and is characteristically described as the 'crescendo-type' of pain, i.e. occurring at the end of day's play initially, then earlier the next time around and so on. Typically, it is sore when the player bends backwards especially if standing on one leg.

Risk Factors for injury to fast bowlers

Traditionally, fast bowling lower back injuries have been thought to occur due to hereditary factors, lack of proper technique, poor physical conditioning, and lack of pre-season preparation. There are two distinct actions by which pace bowlers deliver a cricket ball, side-on and the front on. These are defined in terms of the attitude of the feet, the non bowling arm, the shoulders, upper torso and the follow through. A third kind of action involves some features of either of these actions. The biggest disadvantage of mixed action is that it involves greater rotation of the shoulders to realign with the rest of the body.


In most cases, complete rest from the sport is the treatment of choice. During this time, a progressive rehabilitation program to strengthen the structures supporting the lower back should be undertaken. Improving trunk core stability and flexibility is also undertaken. Use of a brace while bowling to support the back is also quite helpful. Surgical intervention is rarely required. Subtle modifications to the bowler's actions can be undertaken to reduce the stresses on the vertebrae.


The mechanisms underlying lower back pain need to be investigated further. Designing preventive interventions and proper management of fast bowlers from the early years may go a long way in allowing them in pursuing 'pain free' careers.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Back Pain Treatment - How to Treat Lower Back Pain by Knowing the Cause

Back pain treatment is something that 80 percent of everyone will experience at some point in their life. It is a huge business because there is so much that can happen to a back to cause pain. Medical treatment is limited and largely ineffective. But, natural techniques that rely on the basic cause of back pain offers people real possibilities for treatment that works. Medicine is limited to pain killers, muscle relaxants, painful cortisone shots and radical surgery that has a poor success rate. All to treat symptoms, usually without consideration for the root cause. Recently, many doctors have started telling their patients to seek out natural methods of back pain relief.

Natural back pain treatment depends on knowing the root cause of the problem. Once the reason for the particular back pain is found, the treatment often reveals itself. For example, lower back pain, one of the most common complaints today, has the same root cause in most cases. Sciatica can be included here as well, though there is a little more to that story.

Processed foods like sugar, bread -- even "healthy" bread made from whole grains is still ground up which is processed, pasta dried fruit and even fruit juice cause problems that can lead to lower back pain. While doctors know the biochemistry behind this, their education hasn't included the connection. A simplified version follows.

Processed foods cause a spike in blood sugar levels. It is obvious how sugar does this. By the way, sugar includes most of the natural sugars that many believe to be better for the body -- they aren't. Ground up grains, even whole grains as mentioned earlier, are digested fast so that the stored sugar in the grain is released more quickly into the blood stream than the whole grain. It's the extra surface area that allows for faster break down of ground grains which quickly increases blood sugar levels.

The body brings this high blood sugar level down with high levels of insulin. It is the fast increase in blood sugar levels causes an over-response, a release of too much insulin. The result is blood sugar levels end up being too low, something the body must correct.

The correction the body does is to release cortisol, sometimes referred to as cortisone, which is a stress hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. One of the things that cortisol does is release stored sugar to bring blood sugar levels up.

So, here's what might happen. You eat a big meal of pasta and garlic bread, yum-yum. Maybe you eat too much, it is delicious after all. Afterward, you feel sleepy and have to lie down or veg in front of the TV for awhile. Eventually, you feel more awake, and maybe you feel like having a little desert.

What has happened is that the meal brought the blood sugar way up, you might have even been having a good time laughing and talking with your companions, energized from all that blood sugar. Then, once insulin does its job and brings the blood sugar down, but too low, you feel like a nap, the brain is deprived of its main food, sugar. Later. cortisol brings blood sugar up again, so you feel awake again.

You want desert because stored sugar has been depleted, and the body wants it replaced. But, that's just another round about to happen, just like before.

Eventually, the adrenal glands become exhausted. They didn't evolve to deal with processed foods at all, but now they are called upon to do this process over and over again.

The connection with the lower back is that the exhausted adrenals draw the nutrients they need from available sources which includes stealing them away from the ligaments and tendons which use many of the same ones. Since the lower back supports the weight of the upper body, that is where you are most likely to experience a weakness from depleted ligaments first. Without ligament strength, the joints in the lower back and hips go out of alignment causing lower back pain that is so common today.

In this case, lower back pain treatment is obvious. A change of eating habits is essential, and supplying nutrients that the adrenals and ligaments need seems like a good idea too.

Lower Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is there a correlation between lower back pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Researchers have long argued that IBS may be caused by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. No indication or explanation is ever given as to why this malfunction might occur. To my knowledge there has been no adequate evidence to support this assumption. More over, I have not seen, heard of or read about any studies which were specifically implemented to test this hypothesis. Because of my own observations about my own IBS symptoms, I am inclined to believe and support this hypothesis.

Some of us who suffer Irritable Bowel Syndrome have tried for many years, without success, to eliminate the often debilitating affects of this mysterious disorder. Generally those who suffer have spent a great deal of time and money, having test after test only to be told that nothing conclusive was found.

Often after years of diagnostic procedures and expensive studies, patients are told there was nothing wrong with them. Their complaint of symptoms are brushed off as imaginary or more properly put in medical terms, psychosomatic. But with the ever increasing number of patients complaining of the same generalized list of symptoms, the medical community has been forced, in at least a small part, to acknowledge the malady as something more then imaginary symptoms of hypochondria.

So what can we surmise about IBS? It is a condition or disease in and of itself? Or is IBS is a condition caused by or a symptom of some other physical, neurological or possibly even psychological problem that is as yet undetected or undiagnosed as being relative to the IBS condition? I find this to be a more plausible conclusion and will provide some insight for my personal belief that IBS is a secondary condition rather then a condition unto itself.

For years doctors have proposed the secondary condition concept in relation to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Unfortunately, they have not yet been able to successfully document any evidence to conclusively say what might be the root cause of IBS. Moreover, I believe there is not just one cause, but several causes, all with the same secondary symptoms, which make up what is termed as IBS.

Please don't think that it is my intent to say the IBS condition is not real, or the symptomology is psychosomatic in nature. I know from painful experience the condition and symptoms of IBS are very real. I also would venture to say because of the sheer number of reported cases, the medical community had been forced to re-evaluate their approach while dealing with patients with complaints of Irritable Bowel Syndrome-like symptoms. I am merely going to express what I personally have concluded about another possible causation for IBS which may be overlooked by the medical profession.

I would like to also toss up for consideration that IBS, with its list of many symptoms, may be a traceable progression of symptoms stemming from a single causation. I believe, in my case, this is a very valid assumption. I have as yet been unable to get any physician to agree with me, at least to the point of taking up the position on the record.

Before going any further, I think it would be a good idea to review a partial list of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. IBS may be characterized by a combination of any or all of the following symptoms:

o Abdominal discomfort or pain, usually in the lower abdomen

o Altered bowel habit

o Chronic or recurrent diarrhea, constipation, or both. May be mixed or in alternation.

o Bloating

o Heartburn

o Nausea

o Abdominal fullness

o Feelings of urgent need to evacuate the bowel

o Feeling of "incomplete" bowel emptying

o Low back pain

o Headache

o Fatigue

o Muscle pain

o Sleep disturbances

o Sexual dysfunction

More and more it is generally believed that the symptoms of IBS are produced by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. More and more I personally agree with this as a valid and plausible perception of at least one of the causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. With some personal observations, I hope to give light as to why I believe this to be a possible causation for many IBS sufferers. Unfortunately, what I have come to believe as the causation for my particular brand of IBS, most assuredly will not be a diagnosis for all cases of IBS.

I think we who have suffered Irritable Bowel Syndrome tend to minimalize our symptoms and pain. We have been led to believe that other than common sense changes to diet and exercise there is nothing we can do because there is no cure. Many people who suffer will suffer in silence for years before seeking medical treatment. By then, and I include myself in this group, we may have subconsciously lessened or even put aside some of the lesser symptoms that IBS causes, focusing only on the ones that cause the most pain and discomfort.

Worse yet, we are less likely to bring symptoms to the attention of a doctor by mere assumption that it is just another facet of our complex disorder. This could become a dangerous scenario for anyone who suffers from IBS. We may ignore persistent symptoms that have gotten more intense or new symptoms that seem to be related only because we are discouraged by being told there is nothing anyone can do.

Doing these kinds of things could lead to serious life threatening symptoms being overlooked. Symptoms of conditions that, unlike IBS, can be treated if caught in time. Things like colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer or many others, might be missed because we want to ignore our IBS symptoms after so many trips to the doctor.

My story of IBS starts over 20 years ago when I was a young man of 26. While helping lift a very heavy cast iron wood burning stove from the back of a pickup truck, the other person lost their grip and the load all shifted down hill onto my back. I felt my back give way as the stove went crashing to the ground at my feet. I knew I had sustained a serious injury. I couldn't erect myself from the 90 degree bent forward position I was in. I had to literally pull my self up by using my hands and arms against the side of the pickup.

Being 26 and stubborn and thinking that I was invincible, I had my wife help me home and to bed, not bothering to go to the emergency room. I had some left over pain killers which numbed the pain enough to allow me to sleep. When I awoke in the morning I was horrified as I could not feel my legs. They were both cold and numb to the touch. I could move them, I just couldn't feel them. After about 30 minutes of movement the feeling began to return to my legs and at that point I knew it was time to get to the doctor.

After the examination and x-rays what the doctor had to say wasn't pleasant to hear. He told me I had two options. One was to go to a surgical specialist and have fusion surgery on several of my lower lumbar vertebra because the discs between them had been severely compressed. He mentioned that having this type of surgery would reduce my physical mobility by as much as 30% or more. At best, he explained, the surgery was about 40% effective.

My other option, he told me, was time... time allow let my body try to heal itself. He explained I would probably never be as good as I was before the accident, but with time my body should partially heal it self. He told me the inflammation which was causing the pain and partial paralysis should lessen. At age 26 losing permanently 30% or more of my mobility was an unthinkable option. At least the second option offered some hope of recovery. He gave me muscle relaxants and pain pills and that was that.

I trusted this doctor...we were good friends. We had a good personal and professional relationship. I took him at his word. By today's medical standards, his medical advice probably wouldn't hold water, but over 20 years ago, it was most likely a very good perception of my problem.

For the next 6 months, I would wake up to cold, numb legs and each day, but as he said, the symptoms gradually got better. I was so focused on my back injury improving; I didn't pay attention to other, minor things going on which had become bothersome.

The first and most prevalent symptom was a change in my bowel habit. Not a big change, but it seemed that instead of a daily movement, it was now once every other day, and it took a bit more effort. But with the back issue, it seemed minor in comparison and for several years seemed to be the only symptom. My back continued to get better but my bowel never did return to normal.

I have always been a large person, in 1986 at the age of 26: I weighed about 220 pounds, standing 6 feet tall. Slowly, my weight began to rise. I attributed my initial weight gain to a lessening of physical activity over the first year or two of my back problem. By the end of the second year, my physical ability and activity had almost returned to normal. I learned to deal with the pain and my legs no longer went numb. I was able to function fairly well. Only occasionally did the pain in my back become such that I was unable to function in my "new" normal fashion, and usually only lasted a day or two. I now had added 70 pounds to my weight with no real explanation.

Only in the past couple of years (over 20 have passed since my back injury) have I begun considering the original injury being related to my bowel and stomach problems. Because I believed there was little I could do to rectify the situation, I have done as well as I could to manage the pain mentally. I did this well until the pain in my back started to worsen to the point that again my legs started going numb again. Not that this happened all the time, it was only occasional, but these bouts of pain have gotten much worse.

Only now that the back pain is impossible to ignore have I come to realize the cycle of events which have taken place. Now when I notice my legs are beginning to go numb on a more frequent basis, I have also noticed an increase in my IBS symptoms. More frequent and painful symptoms seem to begin with chronic constipation, lasting for many days. This is followed by the gas distress fatigue, head aches, bloating, acid indigestion, heartburn and eventually explosive diarrhea. Along with other symptoms, all interwoven into a cycle I now believe to be directly related to some type of nerve injury due to my original back injury.

I have since gone to a neurosurgeon and been diagnosed with severe disk compression and degeneration and spinal stenosis in the lower lumbar region. The treatment is as yet to be mapped out, but I now have at least one doctor who agrees that many, if not all, of my symptoms could be tied directly to nerve dysfunction resulting from my present spinal condition.

If you have sustained a back injury, or have IBS with lower back pain, it may be prudent to have a spinal study, to find out if an underlying back problem might be involved in the causation of your IBS symptoms. It stands to practical reason that if there is injury to the spine or lower back from where the nerves controlling lower bowl function stem, there could also be bowel dysfunction. With bowel dysfunction, the progression of symptoms in logical sequence right up the line to the top of the digestive tract would be a very plausible scenario.

If you have IBS and low back pain you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a spinal examination. At the very least you may find out that there is no problem with your spine thereby eliminating one more source.

Simple Ways to Relax Your Upper and Lower Back Muscles

The saying 'excess of everything is bad' does not exclude rest, even when you are experiencing problems like back pain. It is a rather surprising fact that lazing about after an encounter with pain in the back actually makes the condition worse. In most of the cases, physical activity is a necessity for complete convalescence.

You will be surprised to find out how many things can cause us a back muscle pain and at how you can easily avoid them. Here are a few suggestions that if you follow daily it can help you avoid it in future.

A number of medications have been manufactured for relief like analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. But experience with back pain has taught people many treatments without involving medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen etc. These treatments vary from special exercises to herbal formulas and daily household items. Some of these home remedies prove very effective in the cause of back relief.

Lower back pain is one of the most commonly reported types of pain in America. Studies show that about 60% of the pain problems in United States are those of the lower back. Each year, at least $50 billion are spent in America on treatment of the lower back pain. While in most cases, the pain is relieved in a few days, a number of cases take a long time to heal completely and sometimes serious complications may result.

Lower pain can create great discomfort and be the cause of many sleepless nights. It is a very common ailment and most people in their lifetimes will suffer from it. There are a variety of causes, some of which we will discuss below. It is important to have your back checked out by a professional as it can also be caused from underlying more serious conditions.

Sleeping with the wrong kind of mattress can be one of the causes. With a specially designed mattress, your back can benefit from proper back support, which could lead to proper sleeping posture, prevent straining of muscles promote spine alignment and reduce lower back pains.

Upper back pain, along with pain in neck and shoulder, has become an increasingly familiar problem in recent years, especially among people who do computer work all day long. But it has long been known, especially as a consequence of sudden trauma or injury. In most cases, upper back pain is the result of either muscular irritation (called myofascial pain) or dysfunction of joints.

The spine is one of the most important parts of the body. It provides the support of the muscle and tissues and bones that make up the majority of our body. The spine leads up into the head and is the main support structure for the back therefore keeping it healthy is important.

Back Pain In the Lower Left Side? These Are The Common Causes

There are many types of back pain with many different causes.? Chances are if you've been to a doctor, hospital or chiropractor they have had difficulty in diagnosing the problem.? Perhaps you've had X-rays taken and other tests as well as taken drugs to ease the pain but you were not cured.?

Possible causes of back pain involving the lower left side indicate intestinal problems of some sort possibly including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), muscle imbalance, kidney stones, excessive or improper exercise, lifting objects that are too heavy, pregnancy, obesity or an improperly aligned spine such as a herniated disc.

With IBS, you may experience bouts of diarrhea and vomiting due to certain foods you may have eaten that you may be allergic to such as gluten in wheat or rye.? Chances are your doctor will tell you to remove gluten from your diet, which should bring some relief.? There are no cures for IBS which also includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis but it can be managed.? In some cases Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have come about due to some prescription medication you have taken such as Fosamax.? Fosamax is used to treat osteoporosis in women and men as well as Paget's disease.

Kidney stones are a common cause of lower left back pain.? Chances are you will experience difficulty urinating and possibly have blood in your urine.? Your doctor will have no problem diagnosing his problem.? Depending exactly where your stones are and how big they are, your doctor will determine how to get rid of them.? Sometimes it is just a matter of letting them pass through your system.? Laser technologies have been used to blast these stones into smaller pieces, which will pass through your system as well.

A muscle imbalance can also cause lower left back pain.? There are many causes including a pulled muscle.? This can generate pain in other parts of the body as well including spinal pain and intestinal pain.? You may experience pain on the opposite side of your back because your right side is working harder to take over lost function from your left.? Sometimes muscle relaxers and pain killers are prescribed to allow you to do certain exercises that aid in recovery of the damaged muscle.? If the damage is serious, you may require surgery.? Alternating hot and cold compresses are recommended to keep inflammation down and allow for good blood circulation for a faster recovery.? Lower left back pain will remain until your muscles return to normal.

Pregnancy is another cause of lower left back pain.? As the fetus develops it gets bigger and bigger causing the uterus to expand shifting your center of gravity not to mention weakening of the stomach muscles.? This puts tremendous strain on your lower back.? Remember, you are also carrying around extra weight from the fetus plus any weight you are gaining.? This increase in body mass may begin pinching nerves which will cause pain as well.? I'm afraid the only cure here is delivery and that you will have to wait for.? Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs may bring some relief in the mean time.

Many back problems can be avoided if you maintain proper weight and exercise regularly.? Be careful how you pick up heavy objects and make sure you do your exercises properly.? Back problems can start out small but if ignored can become a serious issue.?

Make sure to:-

What Causes Sharp Pain in the Lower Back on the Right Side?

On average of 4 out of 5 adults experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. It is also one of the most common reasons why people visit the doctor. It is extremely difficult for people to get long-term relief from the pain, not because it is impossible, but mainly because people don't know how to treat it. In order to treat lower back pain successfully, you need to know what causes sharp pain in lower back right side, that you feel?

The causes of sharp pain in lower back right side

It is very common for people to take some sort of a painkiller to ease the pain. This can be beneficial in the short-term, but if you want permanent relief, then eliminating the main cause is necessary. Most people have no idea why their back hurts and how it happens. This is not something that happens overnight.

The main cause of most pains is muscle imbalancement. When one muscle group overpowers another muscle group, then this causes an imbalance. Why is it so bad? When your muscles are out of balance, then this can have a serious effect on your entire body especially your spine, pelvis and joints.

When you have muscle imbalancement, then the muscles shift your joints, spine and pelvis out of their normal locations and this of course puts them under uneven and constant stress. The more your muscles are out of balance, the more stress and tension is applied to the joints, spine and pelvis. Usually this goes on for months or even years before you start feeling pain.

Even though you might be feeling sharp pain in lower back on the right side, then this does not necessarily mean the cause of the pain lies in the back. Very often out of balance muscle groups in your thighs, can cause pain in your back. In order to treat lower back pain, you need to know why and how your pain appeared. Then you know what treatments, cures and exercises you need to do.

Causes of Cold Weather Back Pain

Whether you have chronic back pain or pain that comes and goes, you may notice that the pain is worse in cold weather. While an exact causal link between increased pain and cold weather has not been found by the scientific community, the fact of this connection is certain. Cold weather back pain is common among people with arthritis, but it can also occur due to increased muscle tension.

Muscle Tension

When we open our doors to a frigid winter day, we tend to distort our posture and tense up our muscles to cope with the cold. This is usually done unconsciously for a couple of reasons. First, when your muscles contract, they burn energy which is released as heat. Tensing up, then, is a natural bodily response to cold. Shivering occurs when muscles rapidly contract and relax to release energy (heat) fast.

You may also notice that, in the cold, you tend to drop your head and raise your shoulders, which causes your hips to tuck under and your lower back to flatten out. You're trying to share your shoulders' body heat with your neck and ears. This is a natural reaction, but a reaction that distorts posture throughout your back and pelvis.

Sore necks, shoulders and lower backs in the winter indicate muscular tension. If you have widespread muscle soreness when it's cold out, this is likely a sign that your apparel is not suited to your climate. It is important to have a winter hat that covers your ears and a scarf to cover your neck. These, combined with self-awareness, will help to prevent postural distortion. Your muscles will still automatically tense up to stay warm if the rest of your outfit isn't warm enough. If you can't find a heavy-duty coat within your budget, rely on layering. A good pair of long underwear will help keep both your lower and upper body protected from the cold. Being conscious of your posture and muscle tenseness can help you relieve cold weather back pain.


If you tend to have joint pain and stiffness that worsens with inactivity and cold weather, you may have osteoarthritis. This form of arthritis affects various parts of the body, including the spine. It occurs when the cartilage that cushions spinal joints wears down, causing friction, inflammation and sometimes the formation of bone spurs that can impinge nerves.

Cold weather doesn't cause osteoarthritis; it can, however, exacerbate it. Along with cartilage breakdown, osteoarthritis entails inflammation of the synovium, which lines the joint and excretes a lubricant called synovial fluid. As cartilage hardens and wears, the synovium can become inflamed. The prevailing theory on the link between cold weather and increased osteoarthritic pain is that the synovium is sensitive to barometric pressure. When barometric pressure drops, as when foul weather is coming in, the synovium becomes inflamed. This worsens the stiffness and pain surrounding arthritic joints. This theory has its issues; it has led to inconsistent results in research and barometric pressure is not necessarily low when it is cold, but does indicate precipitation and storms. More research into this is needed before an exact link between joint pain and cold weather is understood.

That said, there are still ways to alleviate the extra burden the cold places on your joints. One of the aggressors of arthritic pain, as said above, is inactivity, and one of the best ways to exercise with osteoarthritis is in the water. A warm pool can do wonders for your joints year-round, and especially when it's cold outside. It is also important to be aware of the above muscular cause of winter back pain, as tight muscles in conjunction with stiff, sore joints will exacerbate your pain.

Take care of your muscles and joints during the cold season. Appropriate apparel, self-awareness and indoor exercise could be enough to ease your back pain this winter.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What Causes Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common problem affecting people of all ages. But what causes lower back pain? Understanding the real reason for the problem is the key to treating it. There are several factors that increase the risk of developing pain.

Common Causes of Low Back Pain

Hectic work schedules, poor posture, poor lifting practices, and muscle imbalances
Injury or overuse of muscles, ligaments
Disc degeneration in spondylosis, Spinal stenosis, or narrowing of the spinal canal, spinal abnormalities
Herniated disc, that is, when a disc bulges so far out that it puts pressure on your spinal nerves
Fractures of the vertebrae
Bone and joint conditions those existing from birth (congenital), degenerative changes, or due to inflammation of the joints (arthritis)
Leg pain (sciatica) and numbness
Pinched nerve or nerve root impingement
Metabolic problems such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia
Bacterial infection in the bone (osteomyelitis), in the spinal discs, or in the spinal cord.
Failed back surgery syndrome

Back pain can be acute or chronic. Pain can manifest as throbbing, crushing, aching, stabbing, heavy or burning, depending on the cause. All these symptoms can be really painful and affect your daily routine, work, and family life.

Acute back pain can be relieved with some basic self-care. If your condition worsens, it is important to seek professional help from an experienced pain management specialist.

Different Pain Management Techniques

Treatment involves both the sensory and emotional components of pain. Depending on the nature of the pain and the physical condition of the patient, specialists employ different kinds of pain management techniques, which include:

Exercise - Active back exercises are more effective in treating lower back pain
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) - It uses low - voltage electrical current for pain relief.
Manual therapeutic techniques: Muscle relaxation massage therapy and physical therapy can provide significant relief
Convulsants and antidepressants: These medications are both anti-inflammatory and analgesics (pain-relievers), effective in controlling pain.
Prolotherapy - Also called regenerative injection therapy, prolotherapy involves injecting a dextrose solution into the ligament and tendon where the bones are attached.
Radiofrequency radio ablation: It is an effective pain management option, where a probe producing localized heat with radio frequency waves is used to stun or destroy nerve fibers to reduce the sensation of pain.

To determine the appropriate technique, the physician will first examine the patient and conduct diagnostic tests to determine the source of the pain. By thoroughly analyzing and evaluating the medical history of their patients, doctors can identify the causes for lower back pain and suggest the best back pain treatment plan for quick relief.

Anytime Lower Back Soreness Hits It Could Be Absolutely Incapacitating To Your Current Life-Style

The back is the workhorse involving human body. This particular remarkably solid structure literally carries the responsibility of the entire body, and is accountable for almost every move you make. This makes it prone to injury, and also the resultant back pain can be very immobilizing. It is estimated that four out of five adults have problems with back problems at least once during their lifetimes, which is also several reasons for being absent via work.

Back pain is a common complaint. Most people in the United States Of America get each year lower back discomfort at least once in their lives. Back suffering is just about the most common reasons people go to the doctor as well as miss perform.

Back suffering is one of the most frequent, non-life-threatening, distressing circumstances, affecting 4 in 5 Americans at some stage in their lives. And many need to be wary of come back bouts. Yet lower spine soreness treatment offers undergone an ocean change considering that the 1990s. Professionals now take pleasure in the key role regarding exercise for back problems and maintaining a healthy back. Additionally they better comprehend which ailments surgery will help and which in turn patients are good surgical candidates.

When lower back discomfort or perhaps tenderness attacks, firmly sticking to correct sitting, standing up and slumbering postures is specially critical. Maintain back active, frequently changing roles when you're standing, sitting, and lying down. This will aid distribute the workload to all or any the muscle tissues of your back. If there is an increase or sustained duration of the pain you may have to see a medical care specialist. Consult your physician if the back pain is the response to an impact injury or incident. Back pain that disrupts sleep or day by day activities may need professional proper care. And if you have shooting aches and pains, numbness or perhaps weakness with your legs you need to speak to your physician.

Back pain identifies pain or pain felt inside upper, middle, or lower back. Your pain may lengthen to the body and hip and legs. The back consists of a complex design of navicular bone, ligaments, important joints, muscles, along with nerves, along with discomfort can result coming from a problem with any of these components.

Back pain can vary from gentle, annoying discomfort to excruciating agony. Depending on how long it lasts, it can be referred to as acute or chronic. Acute back pain occurs suddenly nevertheless lasts just briefly, which is often intense. While continual back pain is typically less severe while severe back discomfort, this persists for a longer period and may even recur usually. The duration of acute back pain is a couple of days to a few days, with development during that occasion, whereas continual spine soreness lasts for more than 3 months and sometimes gets gradually worse.

Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments in the U.S., in fact it is preceded merely by colds and the flu virus for occasion lost via work. Low back pain has been described as a 20th century epidemic, the enemy of medicine and an albatross of sector. When every one of the costs linked to it are added way up - work absenteeism, medical and legal fees, cultural security impairment payments, workmen's payment and long-term disability insurance - the bill for you to business, sector and the federal government has been projected to full over Sixteen billion money each year.

The majority of back pain may get better with a few days of home treatment and careful attention. A regular timetable of over-the-counter pain remedies may be all you need to improve your own pain. A short period regarding bed sleep is OK, yet more than a week actually does more harm than good. If home solutions are certainly not working, a medical expert may recommend stronger prescription drugs or additional therapy.

Jobs For People With Back Pain

Back pain is one of the leading causes of missed work and disability in the U.S. People with back conditions often have to modify their behaviors to manage pain, and this modification can interfere with the ability to perform your job.

Many people choose to or need to continue working in the face of chronic pain; this could be because of the difficulties surrounding disability or worker's compensation payments, a desire to stay active or love for one's job. Determining whether you can stay in your current line of work demands assessing your limitations and the flexibility of your work environment.

In general, people with chronic back pain need to avoid heavy lifting, prolonged sitting and prolonged standing/walking. The work environment must not demand repetitive motions that strain the back such as twisting. If it is possible to perform your job while either sitting or standing, you may be able to resume work. Ergonomics are an important consideration; work spaces must be designed to support proper body mechanics and limit back strain.

People with back injuries should cease construction work, landscaping, truck driving or any other job requiring hard physical labor or mandatory, prolonged sitting.

Best Jobs For People With Back Pain

Any job that is flexible concerning your position and doesn't require heavy lifting may be possible for a person with back problems. If you can no longer continue the job you had before or are entering the job market for the first time and have back pain, consider the following work opportunities that are likely possible for people with back pain.

Freelancing is essentially applying your skills from home. Data entry, computer programming, web design, writing, data entry, editing, translating and researching are some of the skill sets that can land you a freelancing job. Working from home allows you to set your own schedule and take breaks for exercising and stretching whenever you choose. Be creative with your work station; set it up so that you can perform some of your work while standing. Sites like help connect freelancers to employers securely.

Teachers can often choose whether to sit or stand throughout the day and generally don't need to perform physical labor. If you have or will obtain a bachelor's degree, this profession may be an option for you.

With the right accommodations, jobs that require desk work can be possible for people with back injuries. An ergonomic workstation in an office, call center or customer service center will help keep you from straining your back. Taking breaks for quick walks, having the option to stand or sit at your desk and using an adjustable chair will make these types of jobs accessible to you.

Refer to the Job Accommodation Network's website at for more information on workplace accommodations.

Don't be fooled into thinking that a sedentary lifestyle is the answer to back pain; keeping active is one of the most important components of back pain treatment. Making adaptations to your work life may make employment possible to you. If not, a disability or worker's compensation lawyer may get you the help you need.

Intense Lower Back Pain - What You Need to Know

Intense lower back pain causes millions of people to be in discomfort each and every day. Knowing a few techniques to apply when you feel discomfort is always essential and can ease the ailment. With millions of people suffering, fixing the cause can be serious and sometimes requires invasive surgery. Before surgery, most patients are urged to attend therapy is the first step in finding relief. Intense lower back pain can be solved with different methods.

Methods for dealing with the pain

It is always necessary to know the source of the injury. Any treatment that does not deal with the source will only offer temporary relief. Muscles spasms can be treated with a hot towel while inflammation requires cold icy towel. It is best to alternate 3 to 4 times with this treatment by placing the pack on the exact spot with the inflammation. There are also other methods to deal with the intense pain. Medications can be taken to ease the pain but could become addictive over time and have a lesser effect. Exercise and therapy such as acupuncture or yoga are sometimes recommended. When the symptoms persist, a doctor may need to diagnose the source and provide treatment under supervision. Some intense lower back pain can be the underlying effect of a much more serious problem such as arthritis and other degenerative muscle disease.

Cause of lower back pain

There are many reasons why you may feel uncomfortable. Lifting heavy objects improperly, sleeping or sitting and placing too much stress on the back muscles, anxiety, and depression are just a few causes that may result. You can also have broken bones after an accident. Some causes may be due to displacement of the spine and related bones. When pain is acute or chronic, seeking medical attention is the best solution to prevent complications that could be the result of a more serious problem in the future.

Preventions better than cures

It's always best to take preventive measures than have to face the possibility of undergoing surgery. Intense lower back pain can be prevented by taking precautions when lifting heavy material or by not putting the back muscle under too much stress. Exercising can also help strengthen the back muscles. Often, walking and swimming are good exercises for the back to strengthen the core muscle groups and make them stronger for more physical activities.

Note that while this is sound advice, it is just informational and any type of treatment should only come from a board certified doctor.

Lower Back Spasms - What Causes Lower Back Muscle Spasms?

Many people will at some stage in their lives experience the pain and discomfort of a lower back spasm. It often occurs when you least expect it and leaves you wondering what on earth has caused such a debilitating pain in your lower back.

Furthermore back spasms are not always selective which means that active as well as sedentary people can experience this excruciating back pain.

5 Causes of Back Spasms

  • A back spasm usually affects the lower back muscles rather than the middle to upper back muscles of the torso and are often the result of an injury or inflammation of the spinal area or the spine itself. It is also thought that the spasm is the body's response to protect and immobilize the spine from further aggravation.

  • Weak abdominal muscles often cause more strain and stress to be placed on the spine which can cause injury and subsequently a spasm to isolate the spine from further stress or injury. So over exertion with weak abdominal will likely result in a back spasm to prevent further damage.

  • Sportsmen may be prone to this type of condition through repetitive motion injuries or chronic overuse injuries. For instance the repetitive motion of a golfer's swing could eventually cause spinal inflammation and injury or damage to the vertebrae or spinal discs & ligaments which will trigger a spasm as a protective measure.

  • People with weak back muscles will also be prone to this injury as extra strain will be placed on the spine for instance when lifting something heavy or perform any type of movements that could place stress on the spine.

  • Poor posture is another cause of lower back pain as it can cause the back muscles to be over strained in trying to maintain spinal stability.

In conclusion it should be noted that usually people who are not overweight, lead a reasonably active lifestyle and are in good physical condition are less prone to suffer from muscle strains and therefore less likely to experience lower back spasms.

Lower Back Pain Treatment - Benefits and Risks of a Laminectomy

According to most experts, only about five percentage of those with back pain require surgery and only after other conservative methods have been tried. That is the good news however if you are one of the five percentage facing surgery, the prospects of going under the knife can be scary. So the question is what are the common types of back surgery and how successful are they?

One of the most common types is a laminectomy. A laminectomy broadens the spinal canal by removing one or both sides of the lamina. The lamina is part of the vertebral bone removing a piece of the lamina decreases pressure on the spinal cord caused by spinal stenosis. The surgery involves an incision or two incisions in the small of the back. The surgeon opens the back spreads the underlying muscle and removes the portion of the lamina and the herniated disc that is pressing against the nerve. The doctor usually will also create a space around the nerve to ensure that the vertebra or disc does not come in contact with the nerve.

The average success rate for this surgery is 80%. Of Those eighty percent 10-20% return for another back surgery. Failed back surgery even has a name "Failed Back Surgery Syndrome". Most back surgeries can take up to one to one and a half years to fully recover. In my own case it's been nine months and although I am back at work and can do most everything except heavy lifting I still have some pain and discomfort.

Surgery may be the answer for some back problems. But it is important to know all the facts, risks and success rates. Having an open and frank discussion with your doctor is vital. Also be sure to explore other more conservative, non-invasive treatments first. But how do you prevent and or cure lower back pain? How do you lose the pain and get on with your life? Well the answer is to find a system that strengthens the back and abdominal muscles correcting muscle imbalance.

One of the top rated programs is This program developed by The Healthy Back Institute has helped thousands to lose their back pain for good. The Lose The Back Pain System custom designs a program of specific movements and exercises tailored to your exact needs.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cure For Lower Back Pain - Food Groups That Can Provide Cure For Back Pain

In your search for a cure for lower back pain, you become too focused on pain relievers and therapies that you tend to overlook certain dietary intakes that may resolve your back problems. Your nervous system also requires nutrients that can strengthen your bones, muscles and tissues as well as provide the substances that can trigger the proper responses from your nerves.

It may also be a case of taking in substances that trigger the release of hormones or chemicals in your body resulting to protrusions, compression or weakening of your spinal system or inhibit your cells from its natural healing processes These are the possibilities to consider in trying to determine the root cause of your back pain.

Here are some important nutrition facts about certain food groups that can provide cure for lower back pain. Check your diet and find out if you're lacking in some or may be taking in too much of them:

* Foods Rich in Vitamin A

Foods rich in Vitamin A will provide you with nutrients that allow natural healing and repair of tissues. Osteoporosis as a cause of back pain is due to the degeneration of spinal bones. Mainly because the bones lack calcium that can provide bone mass. Unless you address an existing deficiency, it would be hard to render as effective whatever cure for lower back pain you take or make. Examples of food rich in Vitamin A: dairy products, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, beef and chicken liver.

*Foods Rich in B12

B12 is an important nutrient for bone marrow production, while the bone marrow in return plays a significant role in spinal growth and over all body functions. Quite interestingly, the same food groups that are rich in Vitamin A are also rich in Vitamin B12, hence, they can be a very potent source of cure for lower back pain.

*Foods Rich in Vitamin C

As far as back pain is concerned, one important nutrient that can be derived from foods rich in Vitamin C is collagen. Distressed tendons, ligaments and injured discs can proceed with their healing process much faster if they have enough collagen supplement, thus, this is a good cure for lower back pain. In addition to the food groups rich in Vitamin A and B12, additional sources of Vitamin C are strawberries and cherries.

*Foods Rich in Vitamin K

Vitamin K rich foods are abundant sources of calcium nutrients which we all know as the most important substance needed by our bones to stay healthy and strong. In addition, it can provide your bones with iron, which are minerals that help in the absorption of oxygen and the elimination of waste elements like carbon dioxide. You can get your Vitamin K or potassium supplements in beans, soy, grains and lentils in addition to the other vitamin rich foods.

*Foods Rich in Magnesium

Magnesium is important in promoting proper muscle contractions and to keep your muscles toned. It helps in the absorption of nutrients that can add density to our bones. Vegetables that are green and leafy, whole grain breads, beans, nuts, seeds, shrimps, bananas and a lot more can provide us with sufficient amounts of magnesium.

Keeping a balanced diet can provide us with all the nutrients provided by these different food groups. Rather than persistently trying out different drugs and solutions, why not turn your attention to your diet which may hold the key to your cure for lower back pain.

Low Back Pain and Sciatica - The Role of Core Stability

I'm sure you have heard the term "Core Stability" banded around of late, especially with the way Pilates has become very popular over the last few years.

By the term 'core' we primarily, although not exclusively, refer to the lower back, pelvis and abdominal area. Any muscles which have an influence over these areas need to be assessed to ensure they are providing optimum core stability.

Muscle Imbalance.

Before I go any further however, I would like to explain my perception of core stability, as it may differ a little from others...

Rather than use the term core stability, I prefer the term "Muscle Imbalance" as I believe it is this which is the main cause of nearly all low back pain and sciatica problems.

If our lower back and pelvis are working in perfect harmony, the muscles will be playing the role of mobiliser (i.e. contracting and therefore allowing us to move our back) and stabilizer (i.e. providing the lower back with support & stability).

However, due to either the way we are born or habits we have developed over our lifetime, the muscles can become tight, weak or both.


Those muscles that become weak will not be able to provide the lower back and pelvis with the support it needs. This in turn will result in excess movement occurring across certain joints and soft tissues, potentially resulting in pain.


Those muscles that become too tight will be 'pulling' or 'tugging' on the structures they are attached to. This increased force will also be encouraging further movement across certain joints and soft tissues, once again potentially leading to pain.

Weakness & Tightness:

This is the worst case scenario. If there are weak muscles present, they will be unable to resist the natural stresses being placed across joints and soft tissue. However, if there are also tight muscles present, these will be placing abnormal increased loads across the same structures which cannot be supported properly due to the weak muscles present. This is a kind of 'double whammy' and is an almost certain recipe for pain.

The aim of treatment is to gently strengthen the weak muscles, while also stretching the tight muscles.

The most common muscles responsible for problems in this area are the piriformis and hamstring muscles (which are typically tight) and the abdominals and multifidus muscles (which are typically weak). However, this is not an exclusive list and there are other muscles which can become either tight or weak and therefore contribute to low back pain or sciatica.

Nearly all low back pain and sciatica suffered is a result of muscle imbalance, be it tight muscles, weak muscles or a combination of the two. However, if you know what to look out for and also what to do, there is no reason why these painful conditions cannot be resolved.

If you address any muscle imbalances present related to your lower back and pelvis, this area will regain the strength and stability it needs to function correctly with no pain at all.

Lumbago is Lower Back Pain - Cause and Treatment

Lower back pain can cause more than pain, it can cause multiple overall long term health issues. Lumbago is a form of arthritis, if not treated at onset, it will contribute to other heath issues from chronic fatigue to upper respiratory disease.

Impractical Causes:

  • Strain
    By improper lifting and handling of items too heavy for the distributed weight of the person. The back and stomach carry most of the body's work force. Don't push your limit.

  • Fat stomach
    If you have a pot belly, this will cause back trouble as a Fat Stomach will pull the back muscles inward. One way that you can reduce excess belly fat without pills and strenuous exercise, is to use a Neoprene body wrap. By wrapping this around your middle it will cause the area to sweat at the same time support the stomach and back.

    Such support tools will reduce not only the extra subcutaneous tissue but reduce back pain. Make sure that you use the wrap over cotton clothing, like shorts, undergarments etc. otherwise, if left on the skin you will develop blisters.

    The cotton clothing will absorb the sweat.

  • Improper Diet
    You may find that you get constipated and even when you eliminate the pressure may subside but the pain is ever persistent.

    This is because you have not eliminated all that there is to eliminate. Try using the Mucousless Foods and 12 Herbs to Healthy Weight Loss, found on Shepherds Purse Naturals. These two Remedies will specifically help your bowels become regular.

    Using split Flax Seed will scrape the walls of the colon and get you having proper elimination. Use one tablespoon full once a day. Yes, put it in your mouth, half of a tablespoon at a time and drink it down the hatch.

  • Hot and Cold
    If your body is very warm and then suddenly cools off or visa versa. This can cause the muscles to tighten up and once seized, have fun.

    Don't sit on cement, stone or marble. These drain the body temperature from the derriere area and can cause the back to suffer for it.

  • This Formula is Confidentially Yours!

    Herbal Treatment:
  • 2 Tablespoons Powdered Mullein

  • 3 Tablespoons Powdered Slippery Elm Bark

  • 1 Tablespoon Lobelia

  • 1 small teaspoon Cayenne
  • Mix thoroughly together and then mix in enough boiling hot distilled or purified water to make a thick paste, about 1 quarter inch thickness. Spread evenly on a white cotton cloth or make a muslin pouch large enough to cover the area. Place on affected area while the paste is still fairly hot and cover with plastic wrap.

    Leave on for at least 2 hours and replace. Do not reuse or reheat the contents of the poultice. Always use fresh herbs when reapplying an application.

  • Herbs

  • Plastic wrap

  • Cotton cloth or Muslin pouch

  • Distilled or Purified Water

  • Bowl and Mixing Spoon

  • Needle and thread to loosely sew up the open edge of the Muslin Pouch if used
  • Nutrients:
  • Mullein: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Sulfer

  • Slippery Elm Bark: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium,

  • Lobelia: Vitamin C,

  • Cayenne: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, Vitamin G, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Sulfer
  • Baking Soda Cancer Cure?

    Low Back Pain Exercises - Superstitions About The Amazing Back Pain Cure Exposed

    Everybody has experienced back pain at least once in their lives, but long time sufferers will know just how taxing it can be not only to the body, but also to one's emotions and finances. It makes simple tasks like lifting, bending, and carrying things difficult. In severe cases, it can even necessitate bed rest, which can compromise productivity, and eventually affect one's quality of life.

    While there are many available treatments for lumbar ache, they each have their own drawbacks. For instance, regular physical therapies can be expensive and take too much of one's time, and use of analgesics may in the long run foster dependence. One treatment modality gaining popularity nowadays is the practice of low back pain exercises.

    Not Just for Symptom Alleviation
    The major advantage of this treatment system is its focus not only on alleviation, but also on the prevention of symptoms. When trunk muscles and its supporting ligaments are in tiptop shape, the spinal cord is afforded maximum protection; there is more support for range of movement; and proper posture will be easier to maintain. Protection of the spinal cord is very important as spinal nerve damage and nerve degeneration are two main causes of lumbar soreness.

    In his instructional video, Tom Nicholson explains and demonstrates proper posture, effective body mechanics, and various low back pain exercises. These require no sophisticated equipment, and can be performed even in the comfort of one's home, significantly cutting back on one's medical expenses. Viewers are also given pointers for making sound health assessments, and tips for maximizing their mobility and comfort.

    For Sufferers and Non-sufferers
    Performing back exercises is recommended whether or not one is experiencing symptoms. As one grows older, the body undergoes normal degenerative changes. The stooping that occurs with old age is the effect of a decrease in bone density and muscle mass. Strengthening the spine's supporting muscles therefore can prevent the development of posture problems that come naturally with age. This is what makes the treatment system especially helpful: even when one is free from lumbar aches, he or she can still continue with the program to prevent recurrence in the future. It is a treatment and preventive measure in one, how great is that?

    Long time sufferers should definitely try these routines, although it may not work well with everyone. People with severe symptoms may find some work out routines difficult to do, and people with no patience for regular exercise may not benefit much from the program. As with any other work out program, the rewards of low back pain exercises can only be felt if they are done regularly.

    Try It Out
    Back pain is a very subjective experience - its character, threshold, and even its measures of alleviation varying from one person to another. For those looking into an alternative means for back problem management, Tom Nicholson's low back pain exercise system is worth a try. It is inexpensive, readily available on the internet, and even has a money back guarantee. Sometimes the most effective treatments are neither the most expensive nor customary.