Friday, August 16, 2013

Lower Back Pain Exercises - Suitable Exercises For Your Back Pain Treatment

There are many reasons why people develop causes for lower back pain. They may be work related or may have stemmed from injuries road, sports, or simple accidents. In some cases, the reason for a person's lower back suffering may be due to the person's ageing process. For whatever reasons we sustained the lower back disorder, the most effective treatment available are the lower back pain exercises.

The most common causes of lower back pain disorders are the following:

1. Strained muscles due to overuse or overstretching. In some cases, vibrating motions due to the nature of the occupation can also cause back pains,

2. Osteoarthritis or degeneration of the joints of the spine brought about by ageing.

3. Spondylolysis a defect in the vertebra, wherein one vertebra tends to slide which takes place as a result of strenuous activities.

4. Spinal stenosis which also comes with the process of aging, when a spinal canal constricts and narrows.

5. Trauma suffered by the spine from an accident

6. Deformities of the spine like curvatures or scoliosis

7. Compression fractures which are common among menopausal women suffering from osteoporosis.

In all of these causes, getting into some form of exercise regimen will allow your muscles and ligaments to maintain movement. Care should be taken in doing lower back pain exercises as they will only do you more harm than good. For this purpose here are some light and easy to do exercises you might like to consider:

Using an Exercise Ball

Sit on an exercise ball and keep your feet firmly planted on the floor. Try experimenting further by lifting each leg one at a time until you can manage to get it higher. If you're in too much pain and feel that exercise can provide you with relief, simply sitting on the ball and keeping yourself balanced can have the benefits that you need.

Simple Stretching exercises

1. Lie flat on your back and pull your legs together while bending your knees. Let your arms stay on your sides then move you knees sideways and hold it there for 20 minutes, breathing easily in the process.

2. Take the same lying down position but this time pull your bended knees slowly towards your chest. Alternate with each knee for every 20 seconds;

Lower back pain exercises however should be done with care. Make it a point that you will not engage in any physical activity that will require you to do moves while bending over. In addition, take a warm bath before making the routine since this will keep you lighter and more energized.

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