Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Effective Lower Back Pain Treatment Options

Backache is a very common complaint by most individuals and they go to great lengths to find some sort of pain relief. Sometimes, relief can be found with the use of some simple home remedies or natural remedies. However, if the pain is chronic in nature then there are many lower back pain treatment options that are available.

Treatment Options:

Treatment through drug therapy is the commonest of them all. If the natural remedies don't work, then the next option would be through the use of painkillers for any acute back pain or lower back pain. Lower back pain is also known as the pain in the lumbar region. Pain in the lumbar region could also be due to disc herniation or slipped disc.

Surgery is the next best option for those that suffer with chronic back pain and when pain management becomes impossible. Laser techniques are becoming increasingly popular and laser surgery is fast catching up. This is an endoscopic procedure and it has helped hundreds of patients return to their normal lives. There are a number of patients who come to these laser spine clinics and find relief from their back problems.

Laser surgery is a minimally invasive technique. There are small incisions made in the back and through these small holes, tubes and instruments are inserted to get a better view of the spine and understand the problem. Laser can be used in a number of ways and laser beams can be targeted to the accurate spot while performing the surgery.

Back pain could also be due to sciatica which is the pain caused due to the compression of the sciatic nerve. This pain could lead to severe back pain, which radiates down the leg. It is a stabbing pain and affects the person's normal daily activities. This pain should not be ignored and a physician should be consulted at the first signs. There are a lot of natural remedies available for sciatica and are relatively safe and bring about good results.

There are some forms of topical applications that are widely used, while some need to be consumed in the form of herbal teas or herbal extracts. However, with any of these natural remedies or preparations, you must be aware of the adequate dosage. Talk to your physician before taking any of these natural supplements to avoid any possible adverse reactions, especially if you are taking other artificial drugs.

Herbal Remedies

Turmeric, chamomile, wintergreen oil, garlic, peppermint, burdock, St. John's Wort Oil, Horsetail, Devil's claw, etc. are all very useful home remedies and help in easing the pain. Herbal remedies that are used for back pain, which is caused by sciatica, can be combined and used for better results. However, you will need a specialist who can teach you the various combinations that can provide the best results. Lower back pain treatment options are found in plenty but one has to get the right diagnosis before proceeding with any of the treatment options.