Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lower Back Pain Relief Tips

Lower back pain is a common problem that can affect everyone, including you. The pain occurs when you do something over and over that causes repeat trauma to your spine. You may feel pain after doing a simple task but the cause can be something that you have been doing for many years. It is important for you to realize that you may already have lower back pain. At the moment, you may not feel any pain yet but it can be a time bomb that can explode anytime.

Your spines are very complex and strange parts of your body. However, don't worry if you are suffering from this problem. There are ways you can do to get rid of the pain easily. Below are some lower back pain relief tips to keep your back safe:

1. Watch Your Weight
Overweight is one of the back pain causes. Your spine's task is to carry the body's weight around. If you are overweight, then your spine has to take more burdens. Thus you need to keep your weight in normal level to avoid any worse pain.

2. Be Careful on Spine Mobility
Normally, people who are suffering from back pain try to move around and do some activities to train the spine. However, this is actually not very helpful for them. It is because when you move your lower back, you have higher risk of having injury. It is normal to move your hips and upper spine but don't do it too much. You can do some safe movements especially that involve your hips and thoracic spine. To help you broaden range of motions at your hips, you can do some stretching on the hips and perform exercises like hip flexor stretches or overhead squat.

3. Stand Up Straight
Stand up straight is one of the ways to prevent lower back pain. If you are often in a bent over position, your muscles tend to be weak and fatigued. When doing any tasks, make sure that you keep a correct posture to avoid the increase of shear force. It is not a good idea to sit bent over all day long since it causes shear force on your lower back.

4. Stop Your Sit-Ups
Having a six-pack abdomen is very tempting. Unfortunately, doing crunches will only increase the force on the lower back. You are actually still allowed to do sit up but don't do it too much. You can use a few more planks to reduce the stress on your lower back. This way enables you to make your abs stronger while at the same time you relieve the force on your back.

5. Visit the Specialist
If you finally still can't get rid of the pain, then it is suggested that you see a specialist. You can visit a massage therapist to obtain the right treatment for your pain. This treatment will relieve more than what you can do for yourself.

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